Prior to Root Canal Therapy
In general, having a root canal is much like having a filling or crown. We use local anesthesia, and sedation is not typically required. You will be able to drive home after the procedure.
A root canal is very similar to any other dental procedure. If you are required to premedicate prior to dental appointments due to an artificial joint or heart issue, you will do the same prior to a root canal. Please feel free to give us a call prior to your appointment if you have any questions or concerns about this. Your medical doctor or dentist will usually give you a prescription for this antibiotic. Please take this medication as directed.
Please continue all regular medications prior to your appointment. Usually, it is not necessary to discontinue any medication prior to a root canal. This includes blood thinners such as Coumadin/Warfarin or other medication for management of high blood pressure, diabetes, or other conditions.